Film Stills, Extended-April 2016 by Nicholas Valledor

For my final project for my ART 563 class, we were allowed to choose what we wanted to do for our projects. I chose to expand upon my second project, film stills, by shooting images of two of my reenactment friends Jacob (who I shot for the film stills project) and Jordan. Jacob chose to wear the uniform of a First World War American Doughboy, and Jordan a D-Day Second World War paratrooper from the 82nd Airborne Division. The images are cropped into a 21:9 aspect ratio to mimic the standard cinematic style.

Close Ups-April 2016 by Nicholas Valledor

For my fourth project for ART 563, I was tasked with taking close-up images with emphasis being placed on textures in the surfaces of images with the Mamiya RZ67 using color 120 film. To do this I took photos of some random interestingly textured objects, as well as my friend Ben, the model I used for my first project.

Architecture-April 2016 by Nicholas Valledor

For my third project for my ART 563 class, I was tasked with using a Toyo 4x5 Field camera to shoot architectural photos of "modernist" buildings in my area. I chose to go around town and find some buildings, as well as going out to nearby Fort Riley to photograph the new hospital construction site. Provided below are a few of my images, coupled with a color still shot on my DSLR. (The angles are slightly different due to different lenses on my DSLR and the Toyo)

Film Stills-March 2016 by Nicholas Valledor

For my second ART 563 project, I was tasked with creating film stills. That is, I was supposed to make images that look as if taken directly out of a film. To accomplish this task, I employed my friend Jacob, who reenacts US soldiers through various times in history. On this particular day, he chose to portray a late 1860s Union soldier.

Portraiture-February 2016 by Nicholas Valledor

For my ART 563 portraiture project, I had my friend Ben act as my model. Ben is an actor, which allowed me to capture numerous emotions with the Mamiya RZ67 camera and studio lighting. In the gallery above, a sample of the images is presented above a photo lighting plot.